Welcome to the Alkion Center, an adult learning community that is part of Hawthorne Valley Association (HVA). The teachings of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf Education, are at the heart of the Alkion mission, and we are dedicated to the support of Waldorf education in North America.
The Alkion Center offers Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy, Waldorf Teacher Education, independent visual arts courses, and week-long Summer Courses. Grounded in the path of inner development outlined by Rudolf Steiner, our offerings strive to awaken the individual to the workings of the spirit in the human being, nature, and society. We enjoy 900 acres of surrounding Biodynamic® farmland, and are part of a vital community of educational, agricultural, artistic, therapeutic, and scientific initiatives that comprise Hawthorne Valley Association (Link: https://hawthornevalley.org). Great natural beauty and the diversity of progressive cultural endeavors create an ideal setting for studies related to personal and social development, the arts, and education for all ages. We welcome you to join us in these pursuits!
The Alkion Center is recognized by AWSNA, WECAN, and the International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education – IASWECE.
Mission Statement
The Alkion Center for Adult Education is committed to preparing students to become Waldorf teachers, or to pursue other vocations in service of cultural renewal, out of an anthroposophical worldview and the sources of creative pedagogy. Our mission is to provide guidance and practice in the philosophical, contemplative, moral, artistic, and practical capacities needed to become self-directed, fully developed human beings and educators.